What is your team name?
global geeks
What is the name of your game?
species gone
What is it about?
It is about saving the animals in the forest from going extinct
by playing basketball.
What scenes have you completed?
i completed our first scene the title page
What parts of your team page are completed?
my scene is complete but idk what scene my team mated compelted
How much more work do you need to complete?
well i am not with the team any more i am working by my self
What can you do from now until Friday to get everything completed?
work on my game scenes by myself
What grade would you give yourself in Globaloria overall?
a high 70
What are all of the things you have learned this year?
I learned how to make a game work in flash
What are you proud of in Globaloria?
of how far i have come
How can you improve next year?
by listening more in class and getting more work done
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