Okay, even though some people may not enjoy the current state of internet I happen to think there's a real upside to the fact that everywhere you turn people are talking about movies. The competition may be fierce, and while everyone is clambering for the next big scoop, crackpot rumors still abound. But, you can't deny that sometimes we bloggers come in awfully handy; heck, we may have just rescued one of the biggest summer So let's all think back t last summer when to According to their source -- and this might still be considered a spoiler, so read at your own risk -- the ending supposedly culminated in a reveal that was in fact a terminator himself (. As soon as the story hit, the message boards blew up and and I think most of us just chalked it up to fanboy speculationreleases this year.Almost a year later, Moviehole reports their 'friend' at Warner Brothers told them the internet leak actually did cause a change, and that the new ending "doesn't resemble the previous one in any shape or form." That's a huge relief to me, because if there's anything I hate more, it's a spoiled surprise -- which isn't easy considering my choice of profession; spoilers are our stock and trade. Moviehole's source at WB also went on to say the new ending is "a complete [180] from the original film," which is proba
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