Friday, October 29, 2010

Harold O 12 2010

Age of stupid
Well for the past weeks we be watching age of stupid and I noticed
Well some people do not know what to do at this point just waiting for it to happen and when it does it is going to hit us bad rite in are grill just leave us wordless and have no point of living at some point but we can help if we start now but we really have to get it together because we only have so much time be for all these global effects come from what a watched in the movie in all the film is recent and all that stuff they are talking about i s coming to us or already did so please help me stop global warming and pollution and sense so many people want to be like us and start high business for example this dweb

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Harold O 10 2016





Working together to keep

Caral reef alliance coral reefs alive



Extinct animals



Rudy Whithworth

Globalcoral reef alliance


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Harod O 8 2010

coral reef adventure

In the movie that i watched today on coral reef's and how they are destroyed i learned some very interesting facts. so i am going to tell you a little bit about what this great movie.and what it told me about

I learned that coral reef's are in south pacific and they are made of little animals and lime stone well corals that harden to lime stone in i love these corals because they are very interesting in they have a lot to offer are earth and us like food medical problems and their fish may be the cure to alto of things in this world like disease that may harm us and if we don't protect these reefs we may not have alto of family or friends because they became ill and we did not have no way to stop it so guess what are lives is the way we make it and are surroundings and doings for one another so if we help the reefs it helps us and every body in a win win situation but if we don't help we will all one day be in great danger and we think times i s bad just wait this only the start of this great disaster and with all things that we need in the world for sustainable
life is dieing off and the world is ending slowly so lets help nature come back so are earth will be here for are children kids so lets start to fix nature with the reefs that one day be cures so lets help the future starting now