Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Harold O 13 2010

strange days on planet earth

they said with all this new stuff we may be pushing are luck and als bringing diffrent types of species that we never seen that muttated with one another in some people call these things aliens

part 2

from the part that I have seen the way they try to get rid of a species is to import another one to eat that then they import more in more which kills the other ones which the species that they wanted to leave at first population sky rockets .

and some animals have to get away from mosquito's to avoid getting ther blood sucked out of them

Friday, October 29, 2010

Harold O 12 2010

Age of stupid
Well for the past weeks we be watching age of stupid and I noticed
Well some people do not know what to do at this point just waiting for it to happen and when it does it is going to hit us bad rite in are grill just leave us wordless and have no point of living at some point but we can help if we start now but we really have to get it together because we only have so much time be for all these global effects come from what a watched in the movie in all the film is recent and all that stuff they are talking about i s coming to us or already did so please help me stop global warming and pollution and sense so many people want to be like us and start high business for example this dweb

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Harold O 10 2016





Working together to keep

Caral reef alliance coral reefs alive



Extinct animals



Rudy Whithworth

Globalcoral reef alliance


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Harod O 8 2010

coral reef adventure

In the movie that i watched today on coral reef's and how they are destroyed i learned some very interesting facts. so i am going to tell you a little bit about what this great movie.and what it told me about

I learned that coral reef's are in south pacific and they are made of little animals and lime stone well corals that harden to lime stone in i love these corals because they are very interesting in they have a lot to offer are earth and us like food medical problems and their fish may be the cure to alto of things in this world like disease that may harm us and if we don't protect these reefs we may not have alto of family or friends because they became ill and we did not have no way to stop it so guess what are lives is the way we make it and are surroundings and doings for one another so if we help the reefs it helps us and every body in a win win situation but if we don't help we will all one day be in great danger and we think times i s bad just wait this only the start of this great disaster and with all things that we need in the world for sustainable
life is dieing off and the world is ending slowly so lets help nature come back so are earth will be here for are children kids so lets start to fix nature with the reefs that one day be cures so lets help the future starting now

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Harold O 7 2010

I really hope that the ice capes does not melt because the polar bears well die in they are all ready rare in if that happens they well have to move some where they have adapt .
the poachers are poaching the snow leopards in they are already endangered so i hope that one day that i can help
it is scarce in food left for the animals to eat so other animals have another animal in apprehension
and we need more conservation of animals and sad to say all are natural resources are getting destroyed and with out them are great arth is going to end
and as the human population increase more technology is being made and thats killing are atmosphere with that earth is not going to have any sustainable life

Monday, September 27, 2010

Harold O 5 2016

possible Game Topics

These are some game topic websites that I found on

I pick these four topics because they have alot of good in formation for kids to learn so thats why i pick them four and i encourage kids to go to them websites if you want to learn

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Harold O 4 2010

The one genre that i really liked is strategy i don't like none of the other ones or i just want pick action to go in my game because i want a game more educational so that you can learn and teach others at school just in life other genre topics is good but strategy is the best from the games i played and now im thinking on when i make my game it should be a puzzle and you have to use a certain strategy to get the right answer and go on to the next level

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

harold o 3 2010

1 my thoughts about this documentary is that it is sad to hear what we are doing do are beautiful Earth and i think are we should step up as class of 2016 and stop Global warming in are world we can do it if we put are minds to it and make the impossible possible

2 I think that Global warming needs to stop because it is very powerful as we type it is melting are ice and if it melts just a little bit of are ice the water is going up butt it is moving rapidly so if we don't do nothing now we ant even make it to college we would all be dead so its starts now I Harold Owens will put my mind to it to Global warming and encourage others to help

3 from the information i heard makes me feel scared and nervous in that makes me eager to get up and make a difference in my world and stop global warming while we still can be fore animals start to die homes gets destroyed and lakes dry up ice caps melt so us all as class of 2016 kids of the future if we all unite we can help stop global warming

um i think we can all unite as one big group and make a change by when are parents want to go some where that's not that far tell them to walk or ride a bike rather then use a car a pollute are air and don't take no for a answer well do not do it like that explain your self and why should they walk in stead of a car

Friday, September 3, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

last 6 weeks

Um..... this six weeks have been okay because I improved my grades in all my classes and for the most part my behavior have been good so I think I did very good this six week and I think I pass the six week also I am proud of my self n tech be cause my grade was passing with out no help so I have been pretty awesome I think this six weeks I even maid my History grade go up and now I am passing that as well and that is a very hard class to pass in I am one of the top students in my class that is passing every class with pretty good grades so I am glade I have had good grade all six weeks in that has been hard to do so that was a big success to me and I thank all the teachers for all of there great help so I can achieve and go on to the seventh grade and Hope to pass that In one more big thank you to all the teachers.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Hi my name is Harold Eugene Owens and I am going to tell you about my fifth period here at East Austin Prep College Academy the name of this period is name technology and it is very difficult.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

MY progress

Nothing really is hard in programming flash if you listen to Mrs Miller because if you do that you will be able to do flash with putting the stops in and plus she shows us videos to help us in flash and to me it is easy once i get in the mode and listen to Mrs Miller and actually look at the videos programming is easy but if don't listen do not expect for her to wait for you and that's when it gets hard because programming is hard listen to the teacher so that is what I think about programming in flash.
But the thing is I don't like this because they are to bad and loud for me and i think I should move to another group because i can not focus in this group and another thing that i think would be good to is give out more detention and straight to the office and that will help me work better in flash
I think it is so important to remember the codes because with out them you will not have any thing working and you will get a bad grade in tech so always remember to get the codes and listen how to get the codes or you would be lost and in trouble
Flash is very hard to me but in the future i think I will be able to be a expert if i keep listening and one day change groups and i think i can be excellent at flash maybe one of the best in my class.
And I can not stand my class mates because they are always playing

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I learned how to add the levels that I drew in flash to my wiki page i feel that i can teach other people how to do flash and put it on their wiki and I learned new ways to upload my flash drawing files and it was very cool when we was able are FLA file to are SWF file picture an it was very exciting yo have a visitor to come to are school from New York and help us with are game and help with are presentation so i will like to have her back to are school and show her what we did and what we learned from her so I thank her for coming and showing us new ways to do thing with flash

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

my team and it's what you have to do to make it work

My position in my team is assistant captain in I got this spot because I really help my team and my captain when he does not understand something in i do in the other team members they are very good at what they do in they all want to be successful with what there goals are in tech class but back to the team we all want a good grade for are group I am good at the job i have because i have leadership in I also work well with my group and yes I'm not about to waste my time acting like my group don't have any disagreement because we do like we are off task sometimes we all don't like one thing a person does in the group some times the captain gets confused in i think he should listen more but we try to get along even if we make bad choices and to solve are choices in are group is to listen more often and try to stay on task.I look forward to doing my best and passing and put my math objective in my game and to help other people that have the same objective as me and to stand inspiration is to get my game in the world and o make people think twice about there choices they make

Thursday, February 4, 2010

my paper prototype

The prototype was very interesting and hard but fun at the same time and i really enjoyed doing it because it made me believe that i can do more with my life like make games for other children in i loved working with my group because they really was in to doing it like me they we all had a good roll me as assistant captain and Jason as leader,Monica as researcher,Javier as flash expert,and Jasmine .well the whole activity was fun to me because i can talk to my friends that are in my group so that is why i like making a prototype and presenting to A GREAT CROWN AND VISITORS AND STUDENTS.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



Friday, January 22, 2010

my experience

It is very hard to make my mini game because the process is confusing and I don't get it but it is really fun when you git it or figure it out in the part I like is working I'm flash in the worst part is I have to listen in order to know what to do in I love to pla games on my free time in I like to play poverty games on my free time

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


flash is very hard in away but when you are paying attention it is easy and you also can do allot of fun activity in flash like make a movie which is fun and you get to test it and you get create a game on the wiki and other students can play from different schools in that is what i like about flash but you have to listen in order to make the game because if you dont you process of making the game but flash is one of the will get lost in the best things we do in technolog be side playing computer games that was made in flash and on other websites but it is really fun in i hope to learn more in stuff about flash like to put my self on a movie or game from flash but i hope to learn more about flash in the future but i like the stuff i do know about flash in im teaching my grandma how to work in flash

The End

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

my game Doge ball donation

my game doge ball donation is about poverty in it has 3 levels beginner,average,and expert the objective of the game is to not get hit by the ball but the catch is that you have to answer geometry question to go on to the next level in at the end of the tree levels if u passed them with out starting over u get the homless a sheltor to live in but you have to doge alot of ball thow in u have to use geometry to do that each level you pass you donate a pair of shoes and clothes into tou make a out fit in that is all about my game by thanks for reading my blog